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5 Reasons Why Businesses Should Invest in SEO

graph on a screen showing benefits of SEO

In the wonderful world of rapidly advancing technology, where Wi-Fi is as substantial as the air we breathe, online habitation and digital strategy are vital for any business.

SEO, otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization, needs to be seen as less of a marketing strategy and more of a brand requirement. SEO plays a major role in any industry, and businesses need to understand the importance of having an online presence. SEO is the organic rankings of websites on search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Search engines are well-developed to crawl and monitor web pages and ranks it according to the relevance of any search.

Here is 5 reasons why businesses should invest in SEO:

  1. SEO is forever.
    While any marketing strategy eventually wears off, SEO doesn’t. SEO will always be around and rankings can always be improved. The longer your online presence is felt, and if your SEO is done correctly, you can only rank higher and higher, and easily dominate your industry.
  2. It’s cost-effective.
    Compared to other forms of advertising such as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, Social Media Marketing (SMM) and traditional print media, SEO is the most cost-effective, especially considering the possibilities of Return on Investment (ROI). While PPC might drive more revenue for your business, SEO is still a necessity as it creates an online existence for your business or site, even when competitors may try to outbid you.
  3. Search is taking over.
    Search engines take up to 90% of market share on the internet. Therefore, it is critical to have an online strategy in place. Be there before your competitors.
  4. Your business depends on it.
    Being visible is entirely up to the business. If your marketing department is good enough, SEO rankings can constantly be optimized and improved, therefore, your website will appear higher on search engines and users will be more likely to convert to your website. Content and link building all come into play here.
  5. Everyone is doing it.
    This means your competitors are, and you always want to be a step ahead of them, right? No matter the industry, people are searching for a business just like yours.

So, why not opt for SEO at an online marketing company just like Warp Development?

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